Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Model Teacher

      This picture was a stolen picture of my teacher during her discussion. I chose this picture with the caption of model teacher for two reasons. First is she is my model the way she wears her dress and second she is my model teacher because she is really dedicated in her job and also she is my inspiration in my studies because I can see even she sleep late at night she never absent in her class. Also she is an approachable teacher to her students. <sorry Ma'am Braz ('_') >

Ice Cream


This is my baby Nicole, even in our hectic day she never forgets to eat ice cream (she eat ice cream everyday). As you can see at the picture she is holding a pint of ice cream, she can finished that in just 30 minutes. Imagine a four year old kid can finish a pint of ice cream everyday in 30 minutes.

This will KILL you!

This collection of cigarette was taken one of the vendor outside of our school. Many students of our school are using this addictive cigarette during their vacant time. Even the students knew already they are not allowed to smoke near the school premises but they are so hard headed to follow the school rules. I'm sure they knew already that it may cause death but because of addiction they can't stop their self but to puff.

Religion can't save us

          Last July 17 my family went to Corpus Christi Gymnasium to watch a religious concert of Kingdom of Jesus Christ by Pastor Apollo Quiboloy. I titled this picture as religion can't save us because even what religion we have if we don't have faith and trust to God, we will not be save.
          We are a Roman Catholic but it does not hesitate to my family to join this religious concert because we believe that even we have different religion as long as our faith to God is one hundred percent and that will save us.

Flooded Mall

This picture was taken at Lim Ketkai Mall last July 16, 20112. As you can see in this picture, this side of the mall was flooded due to the heavy rain.